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Set Your Students Up for Success for the Years Ahead!

A new school year is here and now is the time to create an action plan that provides your students with everything they need to thrive in 2025!  In my recorded webinar, I share strategies and resources to help you ensure your students maximize the important high school years. Before students can have a successful transition into college (trade school, military, or employment), they must first have a successful transition into high school.

These years can be exhilarating, yet many students feel overwhelmed thinking about the changes they will face.  Providing them with the right non-academic life skills and meaningful relationships with trusted adults like you is KEY to setting them up for success.

a student stresses about school because she doesn't have the necessary life skills

How are You Preparing Your Middle School Students for the Important High School Years Ahead?

Start Where They Are 

Are your students excited and prepared; worried and underprepared; frustrated and concerned; or apathetic and clueless?

Ask them.  There is nothing more self-sabotaging than creating a plan without an initial assessment. Ask the teachers and their parents about their observations and concerns. Ask and listen.

Start Early

The middle school years matter.  Now, more than ever, young people need to build confidence, starting in middle school. This means combining their knowledge with pertinent life skills that can prepare them for a rapidly changing world. They need to know how to learn, investigate, collaborate, and communicate.

These are formative years when students are budding adults with pliable minds with those they trust.  They need your wisdom as they navigate the years ahead. Your support can propel them successfully through the middle and high school years and beyond. YOU can help your students create a meaningful future.

Follow these steps and make it happen!

Build Confidence About Student Success with an Interactive Curriculum

Immersive, hands-on lessons appeal to students from differing backgrounds, despite their individual learning styles and preferences. Prep4Success offers a wide range of educational tools that equip students in grades 6 through 9. We partner with educators to facilitate a smooth transition from middle school to high school.

middle school students sit in a circle and work on a group project together

Whether you teach students in person or remotely, Prep4Success can help you prepare students for the years ahead. For instance, our Freshman Orientation package includes interactive lessons that foster confidence and leadership as students learn about high school standards, requirements, and expectations.

Our Christian curriculum features biblically based lessons that reinforce God-honoring principles that lead to success in school and life.

Build Healthy Relationships with Your Students

Teachers have a unique opportunity to create a lasting bond with students and impact their future not just for high school, but for years to come. Students typically spend 1,000 hours with their teachers during a school year, and a teacher who models a love of learning can change a student’s life. Effective teachers inspire creativity and encourage healthy disciplines, such as time management.

Prep4Success allows you to carve out time for life-changing discussions about self-management, digital awareness, and calling, all of which enhance the student’s sense of hope, determination, and confidence.

Build Excitement and Opportunities for High School Success

Students entering high school have questions, but they also feel excited about the possibilities. They want to test their wings and soar to the heights of success, but most need a little push now and then. They must develop solid study skills and test-taking strategies before they make the Honor Roll.

high school girls throw their caps into the air after graduating

Prep4Success curriculum and lesson topics teach students how to maximize their opportunities for success. We focus on practical application that translates to beneficial life skills.

When students participate in Prep4Success courses, they learn to make connections between their high school years and the future. As a result, they develop a greater sense of motivation and interest.

YOU can create a relevant, high-impact experience for students as they explore topics they will encounter in high school, college, and beyond.

Their future – your influence – our tools! Want to know more?

Prep4Success Curriculum is specifically designed to provide you with the tools to connect to your students as you explore timely important developmental topics together. You can inspire, you just need the right tools. Join us!

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