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Difficult and trying times can define the trajectory of a generation. The COVID-19 pandemic and current civil unrest present unique opportunities. While many people feel discouraged, students can choose to thrive.


In this important lesson, you will lead your students through reflection, challenges, and exhortation. The goal is for them to process, define, and express their personal experience and find a “silver lining”. As a result, they can embrace valuable life lessons for the future.


Thriving in Trying Times works well with middle school students OR high school students. Regardless of age, students can learn to apply key principles to other life-changing events that they need to process.


Lesson Layout:

  • Personal Mental-Emotional Health Survey
  • High Impact PowerPoint to Guide Sharing and Discussions


Learning Objectives – The students will:

  • Identify, express, and share their feelings and personal experience
  • Share and discover positive coping skills
  • Learn the value of life's challenges
  • Build a sense a community from their shared experience
  • Find hope and inspiration from their classmates


High School Prep4Success lessons include lesson planeditable PowerPointactivitiesworksheets, and links to additional free resources.

Thriving in Trying Times Lesson

  • I partner with those who value this curriculum as an inspired labor of love and exercise integrity in the approved uses for the materials as stated in the terms and conditions.


    This download is for INDIVIDUAL USE ONLY. You are granted access as an “individual” license, and thus, you agree to utilize these materials yourself with your students. All users will not copy, scan, email, share, and/or post online including editable materials.

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