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Self-awareness is important to effective stress management. This download includes two worksheets from our powerful Stress Management lessons bundle.


  1. The Stress Overload self-assessment can help enlighten students about the potential risks they could face when stress is not managed.
  2. The 10 Stress Busters for Christians will give them specific ideas on how to manage stress from a biblical point of view that gets results!


These activities are a part of our powerful Stress-Management and Self-Management lesson bundles where you can enjoy ready-made lesson plans, beautifully illustrated PowerPoints, relatable stories, scripture, and thought-provoking activities like this one.

Stress Assessment & Tips for Youth Worksheets

  • I partner with those who value this curriculum as an inspired labor of love and exercise integrity in the approved uses for the materials as stated in the terms and conditions.


    This download is for INDIVIDUAL USE ONLY. You are granted access as an “individual” license, and thus, you agree to utilize these materials yourself with your students. All users will not copy, scan, email, share and/or post online including editable materials.

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