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We're Launching a Curriculum Donation Program!

Updated: Oct 22, 2023

teen girl studies with an open book and pencil

Prep4Success Academy has launched an exciting new initiative. We have created a donation program for schools who would like to purchase the curriculum but have little or no funds to do so.

How the Curriculum Donation Program Works

Our donor program allows schools and organizations (Churches, Youth Groups, Home School Co-ops) to create a profile on our website where donations can be collected from their stakeholders toward the purchase of this curriculum.

Upon completion and submission of the profile form, you will have access to customizable letters/email you can send to your community internal and external stakeholders with information about your purchase goals and how they can take part in making this a reality for your students!

How Schools Can Receive Donated Curriculum

a middle school math teacher works out a problem on the board

1. Complete and submit the profile form 2. Upon submitting you will be taken immediately to the customizable letters/emails for your stakeholders.

3. Your profile will be reviewed and your donation site will be created within 5-7 business days.

4. You will then receive a confirmation email that contains a link to insert into your letters/emails to your stakeholders, taking them to our “ school list” page where they will find your profile and donation site.

5. When your purchase goals are fully funded, you will be notified and provided with a special code to use at checkout. Upon completion of the checkout process, you will have access to download a zip file containing the curriculum and all tools included in your chosen package.

Bonus: Those who create a profile will be eligible for outside general donations that Prep4Success Academy receives for needy schools.

Their future – your influence – our tools! Want to know more?

Prep4Success Curriculum is specifically designed to provide you with the tools to connect to your students as you explore timely important developmental topics together. You can inspire, you just need the right tools. Join us!

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